??SLEEP SUCCESS ??Hey there Peter! This little guys comes all the way from Mississippi! As you can see Daddy is in a very important position that takes him away from home, so Mumma Amanda is doing it in her own a lot! Peter was never sleeping longer than an hour or so and she was exhausted. She wanted him to naturally lengthen his sleep while also learning the skills needed to self settle.
With our personalised sleep initiative, encouragement, support and plenty of cuddles he has done just that! Now Peter can go up to 6 hours a night, waking normally but then self settling and going straight back into his next cycle of sleep.
Mum and Dad are so happy with the results and can’t believe the change in their little man! “Y’all Peter was only sleep 1.5 hrs at a time and I was pulling my hair out, and then I met precious Veena and now he is sleeping through long stretches and waking once a night and doing naps like a boss! Life is so much better now, we have our happy little man back”!
Sleep Sweet ???