Winter Rescue Remedies for Kids

Winter is here and we all know what it brings with it: coughs, colds and flus. It’s so important that we prepare ourselves for the months to come with winter rescue remedies that are safe for us and our little ones. Whether they are homemade or store bought, think about the ingredients of the cough, cold and flu products you’re using on or feeding to your children. Sometimes they can do more harm than good. Here are a couple of winter rescue remedies for kids and adults that are safe and use only natural ingredients.

Homemade Vicks

This homemade Vicks VapoRub recipe is super easy to make, with only 3 simple ingredients. It uses a main component of coconut oil, which is fantastic for skin. Then just a few drops of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils are added to work their magic. As with store bought Vicks, just rub this winter rescue remedy into your little one’s chest, feet and under their nose to clear up their system and help them feel better. It’s also great for adults too.

Find the recipe here:

Warm Honey & Lemon Tea

This rescue remedy needs no introduction. It’s been around for years and years because it’s simple, it’s effective and it’s delicious, to boot! Simply add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon juice to a warm cup of water. Mix well and enjoy! It will soothe your little one’s throat and have them feeling better in no time. Using Manuka honey is a great idea as it’s known for it’s healing properties.

If your kids don’t like drinking tea, you can just forgo the warm water and have them eat a spoonful of honey with a few drops of lemon squeezed on top. It’s the perfect “feel good” winter rescue remedy with a sweet twist.

What’s your favourite winter rescue remedy? Let us know in the comments. We love hearing what you have to say!

If you need any help at all getting your little ones to sleep sweetly through the night, please get in touch. A sleep consultant might be just the thing you need for some sage advice about kids sleep routines and tips for baby bedtime bliss.

Sleep Sweet and Deep, my dears!

Check out our blog post on baby poo here. You know you want to.